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Rationale of English Lession C-1

By: Minister Ishmael Al-Islam


In the fourth year of the Afrodescendant calendar and the fifth Poz, named W Fard, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was given a lesson called English C-1 by Master Fard Muhammad.
It is my view that this lesson was to elevate the Messenger’s understanding of who Master Fard Muhammad was and who the Messenger and his people were to him. This lesson was to bring the Messenger into real-time with our forefathers who wrote history regarding who we are and how we could verify ourselves to the world.

Messenger Muhammad taught us after receiving knowledge from Master Master Fard Muhammad that the slavemaster didn’t teach us anything about our previous history prior to slavery. Messenger Muhammad said that his motive was to deprive us of any knowledge of our past greatness. Messenger Muhammad said according to Allah our ancestors were brought over here around 1555.
Messenger Muhammad taught he agrees with Allah and the scientists with the 400 years of slavery because the events and actions now have taken place which corresponds to the prophecy of Abraham. This is my rationale for the realtime of lesson C-1.

This Lesson brings us into the reality of the scientist who wrote of Abraham’s covenant with Allah, the qualifications to receive the promise is based on the Knowlege of who Allah is and who are the true descendants of Abraham are. These qualifications are given in the lesson English C-1 for those wish to gain the proper understanding of God, Self, and the Slavemaster.